val syntax_name : string Pervasives.ref
val parse_interf :
(char Stream.t -> (MLast.sig_item * MLast.loc) list * bool)
val parse_implem :
(char Stream.t -> (MLast.str_item * MLast.loc) list * bool)
val gram : Grammar.g
val interf : ((MLast.sig_item * MLast.loc) list * bool) Grammar.Entry.e
val implem : ((MLast.str_item * MLast.loc) list * bool) Grammar.Entry.e
val top_phrase : MLast.str_item option Grammar.Entry.e
val use_file : (MLast.str_item list * bool) Grammar.Entry.e
val module_type : MLast.module_type Grammar.Entry.e
val module_expr : MLast.module_expr Grammar.Entry.e
val sig_item : MLast.sig_item Grammar.Entry.e
val str_item : MLast.str_item Grammar.Entry.e
val expr : MLast.expr Grammar.Entry.e
val patt : MLast.patt Grammar.Entry.e
val ctyp : MLast.ctyp Grammar.Entry.e
val let_binding : (MLast.patt * MLast.expr) Grammar.Entry.e
val type_declaration : MLast.type_decl Grammar.Entry.e
val class_sig_item : MLast.class_sig_item Grammar.Entry.e
val class_str_item : MLast.class_str_item Grammar.Entry.e
val class_expr : MLast.class_expr Grammar.Entry.e
val class_type : MLast.class_type Grammar.Entry.e
val input_file : string Pervasives.ref
val output_file : string option Pervasives.ref
val report_error : exn -> unit
val quotation_dump_file : string option Pervasives.ref
val version : string
val add_option : string -> Arg.spec -> string -> unit
val no_constructors_arity : bool Pervasives.ref
val sync : (char Stream.t -> unit) Pervasives.ref
val handle_expr_quotation : MLast.loc -> string * string -> MLast.expr
val handle_expr_locate : MLast.loc -> int * string -> MLast.expr
val handle_patt_quotation : MLast.loc -> string * string -> MLast.patt
val handle_patt_locate : MLast.loc -> int * string -> MLast.patt
val expr_reloc :
(MLast.loc -> MLast.loc) -> int -> MLast.expr -> MLast.expr
val patt_reloc :
(MLast.loc -> MLast.loc) -> int -> MLast.patt -> MLast.patt
val rename_id : (string -> string) Pervasives.ref
type err_ctx =
| Expanding
| ParsingResult of (int * int) * string
| Locating
exception Qerror of string * Pcaml.err_ctx * exn
val print_interf :
((MLast.sig_item * MLast.loc) list -> unit) Pervasives.ref
val print_implem :
((MLast.str_item * MLast.loc) list -> unit) Pervasives.ref
type 'a printer_t = {
mutable pr_fun : string -> 'a -> string -> Pcaml.kont -> Spretty.pretty;
mutable pr_levels : 'a Pcaml.pr_level list;
and 'a pr_level = {
pr_label : string;
pr_box : 'a -> Spretty.pretty Stream.t -> Spretty.pretty;
mutable pr_rules : 'a Pcaml.pr_rule;
and 'a pr_rule =
'a Pcaml.curr ->
'a -> string -> Pcaml.kont -> Spretty.pretty Stream.t)
and 'a curr = 'a -> string -> Pcaml.kont -> Spretty.pretty Stream.t
and 'a next = 'a -> string -> Pcaml.kont -> Spretty.pretty
and kont = Spretty.pretty Stream.t
val pr_sig_item : MLast.sig_item Pcaml.printer_t
val pr_str_item : MLast.str_item Pcaml.printer_t
val pr_module_type : MLast.module_type Pcaml.printer_t
val pr_module_expr : MLast.module_expr Pcaml.printer_t
val pr_expr : MLast.expr Pcaml.printer_t
val pr_patt : MLast.patt Pcaml.printer_t
val pr_ctyp : MLast.ctyp Pcaml.printer_t
val pr_class_sig_item : MLast.class_sig_item Pcaml.printer_t
val pr_class_str_item : MLast.class_str_item Pcaml.printer_t
val pr_class_type : MLast.class_type Pcaml.printer_t
val pr_class_expr : MLast.class_expr Pcaml.printer_t
val pr_expr_fun_args :
(MLast.expr, MLast.patt list * MLast.expr) Extfun.t Pervasives.ref
val find_pr_level : string -> 'a Pcaml.pr_level list -> 'a Pcaml.pr_level
val top_printer : 'a Pcaml.printer_t -> 'a -> unit
val string_of : 'a Pcaml.printer_t -> 'a -> string
val inter_phrases : string option Pervasives.ref