Module Plexer

module Plexer: sig  end
A lexical analyzer.

val gmake : unit -> Token.t Token.glexer
Some lexer provided. See the module Token. The tokens returned follow the Objective Caml and the Revised syntax lexing rules.

The meaning of the tokens are:

The associated token patterns in the EXTEND statement hold the same names than the first string (constructor name) of the tokens expressions above.

Warning: the string associated with the constructor STRING is the string found in the source without any interpretation. In particular, the backslashes are not interpreted. For example, if the input is "\n" the string is *not* a string with one element containing the character "return", but a string of two elements: the backslash and the character "n". To interpret a string use the function Token.eval_string. Same thing for the constructor CHAR: to get the character, don't get the first character of the string, but use the function Token.eval_char.

The lexer do not use global (mutable) variables: instantiations of Plexer.gmake () do not perturb each other.

val dollar_for_antiquotation : bool ref
When True (default), the next call to Plexer.make () returns a lexer where the dollar sign is used for antiquotations. If False, the dollar sign can be used as token.
val specific_space_dot : bool ref
When False (default), the next call to Plexer.make () returns a lexer where the dots can be preceded by spaces. If True, dots preceded by spaces return the keyword " ." (space dot), otherwise return the keyword "." (dot).
val no_quotations : bool ref
When True, all lexers built by Plexer.make () do not lex the quotation syntax any more. Default is False (quotations are lexed).