module Quotation: sig end
Quotation operations.
expander =
| |
ExStr of (bool -> string -> string) |
| |
ExAst of ((string -> MLast.expr) * (string -> MLast.patt)) |
The type for quotation expanders kind:
ExStr exp
for an expander exp
returning a string which
can be parsed to create a syntax tree. Its boolean parameter
tells whether the quotation is in position of an expression
(True) or in position of a pattern (False). Quotations expanders
created with this way may work for some particular language syntax,
and not for another one (e.g. may work when used with Revised
syntax and not when used with Ocaml syntax, and conversely).
ExAst (expr_exp, patt_exp)
for expanders returning directly
syntax trees, therefore not necessiting to be parsed afterwards.
The function expr_exp
is called when the quotation is in
position of an expression, and patt_exp
when the quotation is
in position of a pattern. Quotation expanders created with this
way are independant from the language syntax.
val add : string -> expander -> unit
add name exp
adds the quotation name
associated with the
expander exp
val find : string -> expander
find name
returns the expander of the given quotation name.
val default : string ref
holds the default quotation name.
val translate : (string -> string) ref
function translating quotation names; default = identity